AguaSolara(c) non-polluting Water from Air System round off with SeaWater Desalination and a prefabricated Biogas Fermenter Tank
Released on = April 15, 2007, 3:39 am
Industry = Environment
Press Release Summary = The AguaSolara systems generating drinking water from air have round off their programme. AFRICOM Technology Transfer, Hirrlingen (Germany) is now looking after the licenceers community.
Press Release Body = (Frankfurt, 13.04.2007) Marketing and development of the AguaSolara technology, generating drinking water from the atmosphere, is now working centralized since 01.04. 2007 with the Africom Technology Transfer. The systems and their constructions operating solely with renewable energies, as sun power and biogas. Designed to supply remote, arid areas e.g. in Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands with drinking water and basic electricity. Besides the CO2 reducing "water from air" technology the programme is round off with a modular designed desalination plant, operating with a parabolic sun system and a prefabricated biogas fermenter tank generating everywhere biogas from nearly every biomass. For cleaning water and irrigation use there is developed in addition a small water purifing trailer. All systems are in priority designed as off-grid solution to install in remote areas of development countries without any water sources a long-term and payable drinking water supply. All non-polluting AguaSolara systems are best suitable solutions in correspondence with the goals of the UN-Millennium declaration and the actual CO2 discussion. The actual business of Africom Technology Transfer is to extend and look after the licenceers community. And as a result of the large interest on the last harvest symposium in Frankfurt there is a priority to offer the system a circle of interested and suitable producers, sales companies and investors. To achieve this aim as a further step there is set up an in-depth new website ( in german and english language. On this sites are given extensive informations concerning the technology and licences of generating water from the atmosphere.
AFRICOM Technolgy Transfer Waldstr. 4 D-72145 Hirrlingen Tel: (49) 07478-91150 mail: (
Web Site =
Contact Details = AFRICOM Technolgy Transfer Waldstr. 4 D-72145 Hirrlingen Tel: (49) 07478-91150 mail: (
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